India Adventure 2017 - 21st January to 4th February

This is a two-week opportunity for hungry Christians to step out in front line ministry, witness God's miracle working power as well as enjoy the beautiful people, delicious tastes and exuberant colours of India!

On most evenings there will be an organized evangelistic crusade tied in with the local church, whom we have a long-standing relationship with. These will vary in size from between 100 – 1,000 people and will involve giving testimony, the preaching of the gospel and healing and deliverance ministry. There will also be a Pastors conference and an opportunity to paint prophetic murals at a local Indian school.

Each team member will be trained (by experienced leaders) throughout the trip and actively released in healing and deliverance ministry. There will also be opportunities for everyone to preach or give testimony according to their faith and desire. The purpose of this trip is to activate giftings as well as minister to the Indian people!

Having flown into Chennai, we shall spend the two-week period in Tamil Nadu. The first stop is Chidambaram. We shall spend eleven nights in this beautiful district with the focus of our outreach on the developing, rural villages, school, orphanage and churches. Finally, we shall end the trip with some proper Indian Rest & Relaxation by spending three nights at a beach resort in Mahabalipuram.

Please contact for an application form.

"This trip totally blew my theology out of the water. It has renewed my thirst for the living God and it has reignited my missionary zeal and longing to see people saved."
Pete Portal, South Africa Townships (commenting on India Mission '08)

"I wanted to intentionally push myself out of a comfort zone and destroy any boxes or small views I may have had regarding preaching the gospel, healing the sick, binding up the broken hearted, casting out demons. I wanted to experience a different approach to evangelism in different culture and country. I wanted to learn from expert evangelists on the job. I succeeded. I felt the Lord achieved more in me than I set out to achieve. I learned to celebrate in the simple gospel, the power unto salvation. The basic and simple faith for healing and freedom of the local church amazed and encouraged me. I was reminded again by the Indian people how important honour and celebration/rejoicing are. I learned you don't need language in common to communicate well. I learned to trust God and take risks. I learned new ways of deliverance and healing. I learned a simplicity of faith in the power and compassion of God. I learned the importance of joy and peace on the battlefield. I learned a lot from Dom and Thea's leadership with regards to the way I hope to lead in the future. I learned how powerful and important encouraging, transparent, vulnerable and honest leadership is. I learned again, that the only thing you need in common to create powerful unity and relationship in a team, is Jesus. I felt challenged to love better, deeper, more like Jesus. I felt so encouraged to allow God to use me as I am and where I am."
Emma Foster, Kingsgate Church Kingston (commenting on India Mission '16)

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